Welcome to My Journey Towards Health and Longevity!


Hello! I'm Gabriella, a passionate scientist with a PhD in organic chemistry on a mission to unravel the secrets of health and well-being. If you believe, like I do, that a long and vibrant life is within reach for everyone, then you've come to the right place.

My journey into the world of health and wellness is fueled by an insatiable curiosity about how our bodies function. I am deeply committed to understanding the intricate dance of nutrition, metabolism, and physiology that shapes our well-being.

In an era where trends come and go, it's more crucial than ever to return to the roots of science for the fundamental principles of our biology remain unchanged. I invite you to join me on a journey back to the basics, where science is our compass in navigating the sea of health advice.

Why this relentless pursuit of knowledge? It's personal. I've witnessed firsthand the impact of choices on health. My parents and cherished ones faced the consequences of not having the chance to make informed decisions. Their loss of independence and cognitive capabilities became a powerful catalyst for my mission.

But I'm not just here to preach the science; I'm on this journey with you. Together, let's embrace the power of knowledge to make choices that foster not just a long life, but a life filled with vitality. I'm not promising a quick fix or an effortless path, but I am offering a partnership on a road paved with evidence-based insights and the joy of informed living.

I'm excited about what the future holds, and I invite you to be a part of this journey towards health and longevity. Together, let's live our best lives, armed with the wisdom of science.

Here's to a vibrant, healthy, and fulfilling life!

Gabriella lives and works in The Netherlands. She holds a PhD in organic chemistry and she is married with two daughters, whom she loves with all her heart.